Our Local Gang of Killers

Our Local Gang of Killers
Leeds, once a sparsely populated area of the wastes, has recently become the focal point of many of the factions inside the greater JerSea area. The town of Leeds proper, and the greater area of the Barrens, have garnered interest from Xanadu in the north to the Big AySea in the south. With that comes ne'er-do-wells, crazed Grave Robbers, corporate threats, new types of raiders, and a laundry list of enemies that have focused on Leeds as it has been brought into the spotlight. During the recent gather in the Sunken Saints, the shadowy organization Murder Incorporated was reinvigorated. Murder Inc, as it is often known, is composed of assassins, spies, information brokers and outright murderers who have decided upon a single goal: To advance the good of the wasteland. “The Greater Good is Worth All Costs”.
After what has been known as The Thompson Incident, a dust-up with one of Leeds' powerful criminal contacts, the local Criminal faction and Murder Inc. were separated. Three factions now head up our Murder Inc. gameplay- the Silenced Knell, the Adherents of Betrayal, and the Watch of the Bone Chapel. Our Murder Incorporated plotlines have some local rules and roleplay guidelines. Our intent for those is as follows:
Becoming a member of Murder Incorporated can and will involve CvC, and involvement in any of the three Murder Inc. factions will run the risk of CvC activity. If you want to be involved in Murder Incorporated, you will need to do so with the understanding that you are flagging yourself for CvC from that point forward. That does not mean that joining Murder Incorporated removes the need for good sportsmanship- please CvC responsibly.
Joining Murder Incorporated involves opting in to local plots involving Murder Inc., and any penalties or boons associated with them.
These plots can involve a requirement of player secrecy, murder, espionage, and sabotage, with the penalties of breaking said requirements being a CvC or CvE penalty.
Our local Murder Incorporated charter has three established factions, plus a Blade.
The Adherents of Betrayal are represented by the Kalashnik Family. The Kalashniks are a Pureblood trade family based out of the AySea. The main Casted Roles for this Faction are Andromeda Kalashnik and The Baroness. (Note: While The Baroness is affiliated with Murder Incorporated, the rest of her faction, the Azkamani, are NOT.)
The Watch of the Bone Chapel is represented by the Hollow Inquisition, a collection of faithful Graverobbers, Techno Savants, and medical experts. They’re a faction that rose from the ashes of organizations that once hunted Psions long ago, made up of the less radical and zealous members of those groups who survived the purge. The Casted Roles for this Faction are Inquisitor Eilon and Birb.
The Silenced Knell is represented by the Black Scythe Commune, a local group of Red Star who set up and then secluded themselves in their own military compound deep in the Barrens. They are extremely suspicious of outsiders, and have a unique internal structure. The Casted Role for this faction is De’Fleur.
Note: A character seeking to join the Silenced Knell in Leeds may be expected to engage in CvC as part of their initiation. These hits will not be placed on just anyone; the targets will only be people who have opted into CvC via joining Murder Inc, putting their name on the Red Ledger, or another consent mechanism.
The Blade of Shepherd’s Chosen is a person unaffiliated with the three factions, who acts as a check and balance for the organization. This is a role typically held by a Casted Character (CC), sometimes assisted by a Leading Character (LC). The Blade’s purpose is to sanction Honor Hunts, Murder Dives, and other deeply consequential actions within the organization. They are always a member of the Sainthood of Ashes, and are trusted to be impartial and fair. On an out of game level, this role exists to ensure that Honor Hunts and similar actions are not used unfairly to target players or perpetuate out of game strife. Also for this reason, the Leading Character in this role may sanction Honor Hunts or other actions against Casted Characters, but in order to call one on a LC, the CC Blade must have the final say. The exception is the Murder Dive; though this can only be performed on a CC, it must be sanctioned by the CC Blade.
The Rules of Joining the Local Murder Incorporated Factions
There is a tradition of roleplay involved in joining Murder Incorporated. There are also expectations of any player attempting to join the local cells. The general society membership rules, including how to join one or start your own, can be found in the main rulebook. These rules are not specific to Murder Inc, but are helpful if you want to start your own Murder Inc. Family under the umbrella of one of the three factions.
The rules for Murder Incorporated in Leeds are:
Murder Incorporated is considered a secret society. Breaking the Dictates of Silence, the ‘tenets’ that govern the organization, can have consequences for a LC or CC. Learning the Dictates is one of the first things a character will do when joining the organization.
You should have at least Proficient Stealth or another way to disguise yourself such as an item. A disguise in the Murder Inc. world is often referred to as one’s “Sunday Best”.
It is in the best interest of ANY Murder Incorporated members seeking to be in attendance of an official meeting to do so in disguise. Potential CvC or CvE consequences may be directed at your character for failure to do so.
Joining ANY of the local Murder Incorporated factions is considered to be Opting In to CvC and CvE directed at your Murder Incorporated aligned character.
Any Murder Dive Procedures MUST be sanctioned by the local settlement’s Blade of Shepherds Chosen, who can be reached by a letter left at the post office. Murder Dives performed without the official sanction of the Blade can lead to severe consequences including LC death.
Attempting to attend a Murder Incorporated meeting without being a member is dangerous and deadly and should be considered a CvC action. This includes using Basic Social- you may be able to talk your way in, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to get back out in one piece.
All information in this post should be considered OOG information, and should not be taken as IG knowledge. This information is provided to give context and background to those players that want to be involved in local Criminal and Murder Inc. plotlines, and to ensure players getting involved with those plotlines know what they’re getting into before they do.