DRNJ November: A Seat at the Table

Different factions are arriving in Leeds from all over the region. Rumor has it the Kalashniks, Sawnee, and the Gallows along with arms dealers, hunters, and plenty of other unreputable folks. Why are they gathering in Leeds, and what are they meeting up to discuss? Whatever it is, you’ll want to ensure your voice is heard and that you have A Seat at the Table.

The November DRNJ event will be held from Friday 11/17-Sunday 11/19 at the Pine Tree Education Center.

November Event Notes:

  • Siesta will be running from 5-7pm on Saturday. There will be a catered dinner available for everyone at this time.

  • All Non-Com players: When choosing your NPC shift please select Non-com[PLEASE EMAIL MELANIE] this is to help ensure we can properly staff our shifts.

  • This is our first “cold weather” campout of the year. Please make sure you’re bringing your layers and can stay warm while running for your lives in the woods!

New Player Drive

This November, we’re running a new player drive! New players will still get their first game free, but we’re lowering the price for additional games for new players! Remember, if you bring your friends out you can also claim them as a referral and get a free build out of it!

1st game: Free
2nd game: $25
3rd game: $25

Please remember all new players need to submit vaccination information. Information about how to submit it can be found here and all verification information should be sent to John@DystopiaRisingNewJersey.com


  • Surgery: Happening just after game-on at Elysium. Trey will be going under the knife, with a few Leeds locals handling the surgery.

  • Do You have What It Takes: A talk about the MADLADS from founder, Twister. Held before Siesta Saturday at Twisted Motives

  • Bread Ledger & Scarecrow Making: Come buy some delicious baked breads to start the day, and spend some time making scarecrows with Naria! Held Saturday morning in the middle of town.


Preparing for the Big Freeze