DRNJ March: March Madness
Spring is nearly here and along with more cryptids it seems like something else is waking up. What has been waiting for winter to end in the barrens, and what does it mean for the people of Leeds? You’ll have to join us to find out…
The March DRNJ event will be held 3/8/24-3/10/24 at the Pine Tree Education Center.
March Event Notes
All Non-Com players: When choosing your NPC shift please select Non-com[PLEASE EMAIL MELANIE] this is to help ensure we can properly staff our shifts.
New Call: Hold, may now be followed with Medical Emergency. We will still start with a hold, but if someone needs medical help (ie they are injured, or incapacitated) the additional call is “Medical Emergency”. This is a way to ensure that our medics know when they are needed, and allows players to make the call on their own safety without halting gameplay in the process. We’re still testing the best wording, but please be aware.
Lightest Touch Demonstration: During Siesta on Saturday from 5-7pm at Hunter’s Lodge. This is intended to show how the lightest touch combat system works, and is a great opportunity for new or returning players to calibrate their hits and techniques during play.
Feb Photos are up: You can follow the link on the website in the upper right corner of navigation or check them out here!
Food Plan: As usual, Adam has whipped up an awesome menu for anyone who wants to buy into the DRNJ food plan! Check out the menu below and be sure to pay for your meal plan ASAP so everything is ready for you at game!
In Game Events
Rover Scarves: Are you a Rover? Seems like there might be something going on…we suggest you bring an extra scarf you’re not too attached to. Just in case…
Cypher: Did you see this month’s cypher on our Facebook Page? Be sure to take a peek below, and try to break it to figure out what the message is…
We just hit 40 pre-registrations, which means you’ve unlocked the failed cryptid teaser, the cypher we’ve embedded above, and the Face NPC Dossier! You can vote for which Face NPC releases a Dossier here, or find voting on the Hayven Hangout page on Facebook. This also means we’re only 10 people away from a Blue Plate Special for each pre-registered player, and only 20 registrations away from the High Evolutionary speaking! Be sure to pre-reg if you haven’t already for the sweet, sweet, perks! If we can hit 69 pre-registrations there is a Phys Rep/Gift Card raffle, and at 80 pre-regs we’re raffling a personal mod!